And here is some quotes :)
in reply to question that "Is MGS considering further studio acquisitions to strengthen first-party development?"
"we don't have a strategy that says that we have to go out and acquire a bunch of studios. In fact, if you look at our portfolio, probably about 3/4 of our titles, across Windows and Xbox 360, and done with external studio partners. There's no algorithm that says there's got to be a certain percentage of either."
in reply to "you guys should be worried because the PS2 has been outselling the 360. How do you respond to that?"
I think frankly that's a ridiculous comparison. I've seen that many times from Sony execs and I think that's ridiculous. I mean, it's $129! I mean, if that's how you want to compete, fine. [snickers] What matters is that we outsold Wii and PS3 combined in December. That's what matters.
:p Lol, and check this:
BIZ: Looking at Sony, are you surprised that so many people, even mainstream press, have turned on Sony and been so negative about the PS3 right out of the gate?
SK: No I'm not surprised, because I actually think they've caused most of it for themselves. One thing that we've tried to do very carefully at Microsoft and Microsoft Game Studios is make commitments that we're going to live up to. You can go back to history there see there's been a series of promises and announcements that have not come to fruition at all, and eventually customers are going to get a little tired of that. So I'm not surprised by it and of course people are not happy with the price point of the PlayStation 3 and we talked about it I think at E3 even where we said, "Look, I understand why Blu-ray is good for Sony by I don't understand why it's good for customers." Basically, Sony's asking - or making - every customer of PlayStation 3 support their Blu-ray ambitions. Hey, if I'm a customer, I'm not necessarily sure I'm signed up for that format, let alone that I want to pay a couple hundred dollars for the privilege of that.
and now what he is saying about Nintendo...
"They're not high-definition, they're not about creating the world's leading online gaming service etc, etc. So they're really not trying to come up and say, "Gosh, we're a head to head choice with Sony or Microsoft."
continuing (and suddenly reflect on Sony :p)
"With respect to Sony... [long pause] Gosh, I'm not sure what I'm going to say to be honest! I'm not trying to be rude about them. I mean, I feel really good about our strategy with respect to what we're doing with the Xbox 360"
For the full interesting interview
read: Shane Kim: We'll Go Head-to-Head with Sony First-Party Any Day
يقول لك أهو ما طب بسوني ==> منو يقول :p
عجبني :)
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