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Lucky Generation Gamers

September 6, 2007

PSP2K...on sale

The new changes are minor any way here they are:
- enhanced D-pad
- Slimmer/lighter PSP
- higher contrast ratio screen
- TV-out output ( you can play PSP on your TV)
- faster load time (they added ram to the unit)
- it is a PSP :P cough*downgrade* cough <-- not confirmed yet
The first package was just released! it include:
-PSP2K sliver
- Daxter
- FamilyGuy
- 1G memory stick

later this month you can buy the PSP2K alone for 170$. 5 colors are available.

best time to buy a PSP ? yes!


  1. i hate this strategy from the gaming company.
    NDS then DS lite
    Xbox then Xbox elite
    PSP then PSP2k

    stupid way to ask for more money

  2. some cases they want to release a bad console to remake it (NDS -> NDSL)

    the changes in the 360 -> Elite and PSP -> 2K are not that critical AT ALL.

    The question is when will the PS32K appear

  3. i dont think the normal NDS is THAT bad.
    it got everything promised working like touch screen and mic. and its not glitchy if u ask me.
    ndsl is improved nds .. means all the things in it are not essential to enjoy the NDS games, i know light is better, its lighter and the pen place is very nice but it was never worth replacing nds with ndsl.
    in other words: NDS isnt bad at all to replace it


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